Moderatorial Visit
The Right Rev John Chalmers on his official Moderatorial Visit to Dunfermline Abbey.
The Right Rev John Chalmers on his official Moderatorial Visit to Dunfermline Abbey.
The Heart and Soul Swing Band, along with pupils from Dunfermline High and Queen Anne High joined the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in a concert to raise awareness…
Some pictures from this years Service of Remembrance held at the War Memorial on Sunday 9th November 2014
Some pictures from this years Organisations Service held in the Abbey on Sunday 2nd November 2014
During the October break this year, MaryAnn was leading worship in St Andrew’s Church of Scotland in Rome. After worship we went up to the roof terrace for tea and coffee. From the terrace there…
A few pictures from The NOTEables concert in the Abbey on the 6th of October.
Some pictures from this years Harvest Thanksgiving service held in the Abbey on Sunday 28th September 2014
A fantastic time was had by all at our first venture into Messy Church in Crossford Village Hall. Everyone enjoyed all the varied activities, worship and the lovely food. Thanks to all that helped…