Music has been an important feature of the liturgy at Dunfermline Abbey since the time of the Benedictine foundation in the twelfth century. In these earlier times music would have been sung at every service throughout the course of each day.
The Abbey Choristers are proud to be part of this historic tradition by continuing to provide choral music for Abbey Services.

The singers meet in the Abbey each Tuesday evening for their rehearsal. There is a Junior Chorister section which meets between 7pm and 8pm and this overlaps with the Adult Choristers` rehearsal which commences at 7.30pm until 9.00pm. The Choristers are in attendance each Sunday morning for the 11.00am Service.

At the Junior Chorister rehearsal, young singers (aged 7 to 17) are taught the techniques required for good voice production and learn how to read music from vocal scores. However, the main qualification for joining this section is to have the ability and enthusiasm to sing.

The Adult Choristers, in the main, are all good music sight-readers, though this should not deter prospective singers from joining this choir. All we ask is a clear singing voice; the ability to read music will follow with practice.
Joining the Abbey Choir
If you are interested in joining the Abbey Choir please contact the Minister in the first instance.
The range of music sung at services and concerts ranges from the 16th century to the present day. Anthems are either accompanied by organ or sung a cappella depending upon the score. Composers, whose music is sung each Sunday, will include names such as Byrd, Gibbons, Palestrina, Vittoria, Handel, Stanford, Parry, Howells, Finzi, Vaughan Williams, Leighton, Rutter, Durufl. Britten, Villette, Carter, Lauridsen and Tavener. At each Abbey service the choir will normally sing an Introit, Anthem and Prose Psalm.