We hope to make a space for people of all ages and stages within the life of our church, including Sunday Morning Worship.
Most Sundays our worship is traditional, with hymns, prayers, bible readings, a sermon and contributions from the Abbey choir. At these services there is a wriggly table in the south aisle, with activities for those who like to “do” while they listen. Also available from September 2023, are worship bags for children during the service. Please ask one of those welcoming you at the door if you would like to have one for your young person.
Some Sundays we are less traditional, and throughout the year there are interactive, intergenerational services that invite those at worship to participate in the service in the way that they feel comfortable. These tend to happen at times of festivals, and include Palm Sunday, Harvest, Celebrating the Summer and others.
We also like to welcome people of all ages throughout the week and our Children’s, Young People and Families pages introduce you to some of the activities that are organised by Matt Baines, our Children’s, Youth and Families Worker. and others.