Worship at Dunfermline Abbey follows a traditional Church of Scotland pattern with the Word of God taking central place.
It is with a heavy heart that I am letting you know that until further notice there will be NO Sunday worship or any groups meeting in either the church or the church hall. The advice from the Church of Scotland Covid-19 Task Group is quite clear that all congregations should follow the Scottish Government advice to minimise social contact, and that included religious gatherings.
Rev MaryAnn R. Rennie, 17th March 2020
Prime Time

Sunday 9:30am
Intergenerational activities particularly aimed at our yonger members and those who might bring them. The 30 minutes includes two hymns, prayers a reading and a story followed by some activities
Morning Worship

Sunday 10:30am
Traditional worship with the word of God taking cental place. The Abbey Youth Group meet during the service and there is an activity table set out in the church for younger members who prefer to ‘do’ rather than sit.

Last Saturday in Month
If you like Christingle, this might be for you. A story told in lowered lights, with time for reflection and maybe a little singing.
Communion is on the second Sundays in March, June, September and December. In March and December the services are at 10:30am and 3.00pm and in June and September they are at 10.30am and 6.00pm
Coffee and Tea served each Sunday before the 10:30 service from 9:45 in the Church Hall. Abbey Kids and the Abbey Youth Group meet during the service.
All are welcome at any of our services

Messy Church
Messy Church is based round a theme with the session beginning with a welcome and introduction followed by a variety of activities, relevant for all ages, with each activity being led by our talented volunteers.
Everyone has a chance to try all the activities on offer which are followed by a short time for worship, music and prayer.
Our Messy Church finishes with everyone eating a meal together.
Our aim is to share the love of God in Jesus in a community based, Christ centred, fun filled celebration of family life within our church.