Welcome to our three new Visitor Engagement Volunteers.
Mairi, Megan and Morag were at the Abbey Church of Dunfermline for their induction and will be taking up their roles towards the end of March ready for the busier “summer season.”
They will look forward to welcoming our visitors.
They join a small team who already volunteer. In 2024, the Revd Dr MaryAnn Rennie undertook volunteer recruitment training with Historic Environment Scotland. Some of our new recruits have responded to information found through Volunteer Scotland and our new Volunteer Policy has been created following the guidelines for inclusive volunteering provided by Make Your Mark.
If you would be interested in volunteering and welcoming some of the 40,000 visitors to Dunfermline Abbey, details of the Visitor Engagement Volunteer role can be found on our website, www.dunfermlineabbey.com, in the vacancies section.